Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Matt. 13:13. "Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
We are now brought to the human responsibility side of the equations Christ places the responsibility squarely on them who see nothing revealed in his words but see His words only in parables. These are those like the religious leadership who refuse to understand the words that reveal the mystery of the kingdom. Because while seeing they do not see anything revealed by God but only that which they have contrived in their own imagination. The miracles that were clearly demonstrated by Jesus to the religious leaders were deemed, in their sight, as attributed to the working of Satan and not of God. While seeing they did not see anything but what they desired.
This principle is also laid out upon their auditory experiences as it is with their visual method of receiving information. Not only do they see what they want to see, but they hear only what they deem fit. Jesus explains that those who are irresponsible have no one but themselves to blame. While hearing they do not hear and therefore will be non-responsive to the information that they received. Nor do they understand because they reject the revelation of God only to replace His truth with their own psychological rationalization.
We are now brought to the human responsibility side of the equations Christ places the responsibility squarely on them who see nothing revealed in his words but see His words only in parables. These are those like the religious leadership who refuse to understand the words that reveal the mystery of the kingdom. Because while seeing they do not see anything revealed by God but only that which they have contrived in their own imagination. The miracles that were clearly demonstrated by Jesus to the religious leaders were deemed, in their sight, as attributed to the working of Satan and not of God. While seeing they did not see anything but what they desired.
This principle is also laid out upon their auditory experiences as it is with their visual method of receiving information. Not only do they see what they want to see, but they hear only what they deem fit. Jesus explains that those who are irresponsible have no one but themselves to blame. While hearing they do not hear and therefore will be non-responsive to the information that they received. Nor do they understand because they reject the revelation of God only to replace His truth with their own psychological rationalization.