Thursday, May 11, 2006
Vv. 37-38 And behold, there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, 38. and standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet, and anointing them with the perfume.
The streets of this era were dirt paths; muddy when wet and dusty the remainder of the time. On these one made their way on foot and sandal. The shoe was nothing more than a leather sole bound to the foot with tied straps. Needless to say, one’s feet were unclean the majority of the time. Foot washing was the task of the lowliest slave born out of necessity. It was a common act of respect to have one’s feet washed upon entry into their house and also to anoint their head with olive oil.
She began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head and kissing His feet, and anointing them with perfume. In Jewish culture, it was a disgrace for a woman to be seen with her hair down. Customarily the woman on her wedding day bound up hair and she never again would be seen with it unbound again. There is little doubt that this woman has been around Jesus before and has responded to His gospel. It is quite possible that she heard the words fall from His lips: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”(Matt. 11:28) One who understands this reaction to Jesus’ power in regeneration can see this as a normal response. However Simon, the Pharisee, viewed this woman’s action as abnormal. This is verified by his very own thoughts that have been made public record to us, and to all generations to come.
V39. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner."
This woman’s reputation is renowned and has entered the banquet pf these religious men who are closely examining this controversial individual known as Jesus. What will He do, or what will He say to this harlot? We easily find Jesus on the stand without option but to defend Himself wisely.
The Pharisee has just written Jesus off as a prophet because He doesn’t view this woman in the same manner as the majority.
The streets of this era were dirt paths; muddy when wet and dusty the remainder of the time. On these one made their way on foot and sandal. The shoe was nothing more than a leather sole bound to the foot with tied straps. Needless to say, one’s feet were unclean the majority of the time. Foot washing was the task of the lowliest slave born out of necessity. It was a common act of respect to have one’s feet washed upon entry into their house and also to anoint their head with olive oil.
She began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head and kissing His feet, and anointing them with perfume. In Jewish culture, it was a disgrace for a woman to be seen with her hair down. Customarily the woman on her wedding day bound up hair and she never again would be seen with it unbound again. There is little doubt that this woman has been around Jesus before and has responded to His gospel. It is quite possible that she heard the words fall from His lips: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”(Matt. 11:28) One who understands this reaction to Jesus’ power in regeneration can see this as a normal response. However Simon, the Pharisee, viewed this woman’s action as abnormal. This is verified by his very own thoughts that have been made public record to us, and to all generations to come.
V39. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner."
This woman’s reputation is renowned and has entered the banquet pf these religious men who are closely examining this controversial individual known as Jesus. What will He do, or what will He say to this harlot? We easily find Jesus on the stand without option but to defend Himself wisely.
The Pharisee has just written Jesus off as a prophet because He doesn’t view this woman in the same manner as the majority.